Abstract :
In implementing the independent curriculum at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Limboto, this research aims to determine the implementation of the independent curriculum at SD Muhammadiyah 1 Limboto using the CIPP model, namely context, input, process and product. This research uses an evaluative descriptive method with the data sources for the research subjects being the principal, deputy principal, teachers and students using interview, documentation and observation instruments. The data analysis techniques are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results are first an evaluation of the context of implementing the independent curriculum in the form of the school environment and conditions, teachers' and students' understanding of the independent curriculum. Second, evaluate the input for implementing the independent curriculum in the form of teacher and student manuals, human resources and facilities and infrastructure owned by the school. The third evaluation of the process of implementing the independent curriculum is in the form of preparation for independent curriculum learning and independent curriculum learning. The fourth evaluation of the product of implementing the independent curriculum is in the form of a class project whose planning is based on the results of an agreement between the students' parents and teachers and then the planning will be implemented to students as a result of the product that has been created.