Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo
Saleh, Maya Puspita Apriliani
RU Midwifery
2024-05-30 02:04:11
Abstract :
The World Health Organization (WHO) world health statistics in 2021 show that anemia in women of reproductive age (15-49 years) in the world in 2019 is around 29,9%. This study aims to determine the Effect of Body Mass Index (BMI) and Fe Tablet Administration on Anemia in Adolescent Girls in the UPTD Atinggola Health Centre. This study used a Quasi Experiment design with a One Group Pretest-Posttest approach design for measuring Fe tablet administration for measuring Body Mass Index (BMI) using Cross-Sectional. The Total Sampling technique took the sample with a total sample size of 34 respondents. The results showed that Body Mass Index on Anemia with the results of the Chi-Square test obtained a p-value = 0,526 > ? value (0,05), it can be concluded that there is no effect of Body Mass Index (IMT) with the Incidence of Anemia. As for the provision of Fe Tablets obtained through the Wilcoxon Test, the results obtained before being given Fe Tablets (Pretest) had a mean value of 11,624 and a standard deviation of 0,03465, and after being given Fe Tablets (Posttest) had a mean value of 12,779 and a standard deviation of 0,7231 with a p-value = 0,000 < the value of ? (0,05), it can be concluded that there is an effect of Fe Tablets on the Incidence of Anemia.