Abstract :
This study aims to determine the role of guidance and counseling teachers instudents? learning attitudes at MIS Imam Syafi?i Telaga, Gorontalo Regency. Ituses a qualitative descriptive method. The subjects of this study were theprincipal, guidance and counseling teachers and students. The data collectiontechniques used in this study were observation, interviews, and documentation.The data analysis techniques used were data reduction, data display, andconclusion. Based on the results of interviews with the principal, guidance andcounseling teachers, and students, it can be concluded that guidance andcounseling teachers play a significant role as motivators, guidance andcounseling teachers help students develop their potential, face challenges, andachieve academic and personal goals. Based on the results of the observationsmade by the researchers, guidance and counseling teachers always motivatestudents during the morning flag ceremony to improve student-learningoutcomes. Guidance and counseling teachers are also essential as developers inthe school environment, especially in learning. They not only help students dealwith daily problems but also play a role in developing the potential and skills ofstudents to achieve success in education. Guidance and counseling teachersalso play a supporting role in the educational environment. Guidance andcounseling teachers support the teaching and learning process by helpingstudents overcome obstacles interfering with their academic performance.