Abstract :
This research aims to analyze the application of audio visual media in thematiclearning at SDN 14 Telaga Biru. This research uses descriptive qualitative researchmethods with data collection techniques through observation, interview anddocumentation. The informants were the school principal, teachers and students. Theresults and discussion showed that the application of audio visual media in thematiclearning at SDN 14 Telaga Biru is not optimal. This can be seen on the teachers whohave not used the audio visual media. the application of audio visual media in thematiclearning. It was caused by the lack of capacity and creativity of the teachers in usingaudio visual media. As the Impact, the students' understanding of learning providedby the teacher becomes low. It was suggested that in the application of audio visualmedia needs more attention in terms of infrastructure, capacity and creativity ofteachers in using audio visual media in thematic learning, therefore it is easier forteachers to use audio visual media in so that the learning process will be moreenjoyable,and can increase students' understanding and interest in learning.