Abstract :
This research aims to see how to improve the model Problem besed learning in science subjects at Mis
Imam Syafi'i Telaga. This research is a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type using data
collection, observation, interviews and documentation techniques. From primary and secondary data
sources, this research was conducted to determine the extent to which the problem-based learning model
is applied in science subjects at Mis Imam Syfai' Telaga has shown good progress because most teachers
have implemented the learning model Problem Based LearningIn stage one of student orientation, the
teacher's way of providing an understanding of PBL is good, where the teacher explains and gives
students an understanding of the PBL model and also links problems with students' daily lives to the
problems that will be taught. Next, in stage two, the teacher guides and providing support during the
learning process and encouraging students to work together in groups or individually, in stage three the
teacher conducts experiments but the tools and materials are inadequate so the teacher guides students
in forming discussion groups in stage four the teacher does not give tasks such as making reports or
videos but The teacher only gives group assignments in which their group solves problems related to
everyday life, after which the students are asked to present a presentation in front of the class. Next in
the fifth stage, the teacher evaluates the students by asking questions related to the material they have
studied. previously. It is recommended that future research focus more on teacher creativity in
implementing the model problem besed learning