Abstract :
Background: The toddler period is a golden period in a person?s development,which significantly impacts children?s progress in growth and development.Objective: To determine the effect of Rhythm Gymnastics Stimulation on theGross Motor Development of Children Aged 48-60 Months. Method: This researchused a quantitative approach, with a One-Group Pre-Test-Post-Test Designwithout a control group. The sample size used in this study was 20 samples, usingthe Total Sampling technique. The data analysis used the Paired t-test. Results:The study obtained a p-value = 0.000 (p 0.05), so H0 was rejected and Ha wasaccepted, in other words, the provision of rhythm gymnastics stimulation affectedthe gross motor development of children aged 48-60 months. Conclusion:Children?s gross motor development after the provision of rhythm gymnasticsstimulation was mostly in the normal category, namely 20 respondents (100%).