Abstract :
The study aims to enhance students? speaking skills in Arabic lesson through role playing model for
fourth grade students. Moreover, it also utilizes Classroom Action Research method consist of 2 cycles.
With regard to the data, this study relies on the observation, students? activity observation, tests and
documents. As the result, in the first observation of students' ability to speak shows that only 4 students
or (17%). Having implemented the classroom action cycle I, it shows that the study slightly increased
with 13 students who are able to speak or (54%); researcher activity 19 aspects or 68%, student activity
15 aspects (68%). In cycle Il, it dramatically increases to 21 students (88%); researcher activities 24
aspects (86%), student activities 19 aspects (86%). This means the utilization of role playing model in
learning process enhances students? speaking ability in Arabic Language.