Abstract :
The purpose of this study was to explain whether or not there is a relationship between reward and ice breaking with the interest in learning mathematics of class V students of MIM Al-Munawwarah. This study uses a quantitative approach with a multivariate correlation method to measure the combination of variables. The population in this study were 27 class V students of MIM Al-Munawwarah. The results of the study indicate that: (1) There is a relationship between Reward and interest in learning mathematics in class V students at MIM Al-Munawwarah, as shown by the results of the analysis using the product moment correlation test, a significance level of 0.017 <0.05 was obtained with the interpretation H0 rejected, Ha accepted. (2) There is a relationship between ice breaking and interest in learning mathematics in class V students at MIM Al-Munawwarah, as shown by the results of the analysis using the product moment correlation test, a significance level of 0.006 <0.05 was obtained with the interpretation H0 rejected, Ha accepted. (3) There is a simultaneous relationship between rewards and ice breaking with interest in learning mathematics in class V students at MIM Al-Munawwarah, as shown by the results of the hypothesis test with a multiple correlation test, obtaining a significant Sig. F Change value of 0.004 < 0.05 with the interpretation H0 rejected, Ha accepted.