Abstract :
This study aimed to investigate The Relationship between Religiosity and Psychological Well-Being in Alumni Boarding Students at Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo. The research employed a quantitative design with a population of 1,019 dormitory alumni students. A sample of 213 students was selected using random sampling techniques. The results indicated that the level of religiosity among the dormitory alumni students was categorized as moderate, with 88.3% of subjects falling into this category. Meanwhile, the psychological well-being of the dormitory alumni students also fell into a moderate category, with 92.0% of subjects classified similarly. Based on the product-moment correlation test, the correlation coefficient (r) was found to be 0.416, with a significance value (p) of 0.000 (p < 0.05). Therefore, it can be concluded that there is a positive relationship between religiosity and psychological well-being. The research indicates that higher levels of religiosity are associated with better psychological well-being among these students.
Keywords: Religiosity, Psychological Well-Being