Abstract :
This research aims to determine the management of school facilities andinfrastructure, such as planning and procurement at SDN 14 Telaga Biru. Thisresearch approach is qualitative with the interview and documentation. Datacollection techniques are in the form of observation, interviews, anddocumentation. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data exposure,and conclusion drawing. Checking the validity of data using triangulationtechniques. The research results on the management of facilities and infrastructurecarried out at SDN 14 Telaga Biru are planning and analyzing the needs offacilities and infrastructure at SDN 14 Telaga Biru involving all aspects of theschool (Principal, Teachers, administrative staff). Planning and needs analysis aredone at the beginning of each new school year. The principal conducts initialobservations by looking at the priority needs of facilities and infrastructure.Procurement of facilities and infrastructure is done by buying goods before seeingwhich facilities are still suitable and which are no longer suitable for use. Facilitiesand infrastructure no longer suitable for use will be reported to the office to requestnew procurement. This management activity, based on the research focus ofresearchers, includes pre-planning and procurement activities. Implementingfacilities and infrastructure is carried out in collaboration with school communitymembers.