Abstract :
HARIATI N. BIAHIMO Analysis of the problem of early marriage in adolescents in the sub-district of Limboto, Gorontalo district was bombed by one supervisor, Ns. Andi Akifa Sudirman., M.Kep and two supervisors, Ns. Ani Retni.,M.Kep.
Early marriage is a marriage in which one or both of the bride and groom are under the age of 16 years for women and 19 years for men. Indonesia is one of the countries with the highest percentage of young marriages in the world (rank 37). This position is the second highest number in ASEAN after Cambodia. Meanwhile, for the Gorontalo Regency area, it is ranked 1 based on data compiled from the Gorontalo Regency Central Statistics Agency, in 2020 the number of teenagers who married at the age of 12-19 years amounted to 3,898. Based on these data from 16 sub-districts in Gorontalo Regency, Limboto District is in second place after Boliyohuto District in cases of early marriage as many as 92 people. The goal to be achieved in this study is about the problem of early marriage in adolescents, namely the causative factor in the Limboto sub-district, Gorontalo district. This research is a qualitative research. This research was conducted in July 2022. The results showed that the dominant factors in early marriage were self-will, education and economics.