Abstract :
In the nursing process nurses have various roles, one of which is as patient advocacy. Advocacy is the
professional action of nurses to provide support and protection to patients.so that the nursing care
provided is in accordance with the procedure of action. The purpose of this study was to identify the
advocacy role of nurses at Dr. Hasri Ainun Habibie Hospital. This study used a quantitative descriptive
design. The nursing research population was 42 respondents with a total sample of 42 respondents using
the total sampling technique. Data analysis using univariate tests. The results of the study found that nurses
who had a good quality advocacy role totaled 35 respondents (83.3%) this assessment included indicators
of defending patient rights, mediators between patients and other health workers, acting on behalf of
patients and protecting patient decisions. Nurses can work professionally and focus on protecting patient
rights and patient complaints are heard. It is hoped that hospital agencies can provide seminars or training
to increase nurses' knowledge of patients' rights and obligations.