Universitas Muhammadiyah Gorontalo
Botutihe, Tri Putri Nur Fajrin
H Social Sciences (General)
2023-03-08 04:33:58
Abstract :
The objective of research was to determine the government's strategy in tackling fake news at the Gorontalo District Communication and Information Service.The research method uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive type.The results showed the strategy of the Gorontalo Regency Government was seen from the Strengths indicator, namely minimizing the development of hoax information, especially Covid-19 information, assisting the government in providing education through the anti-hoax task force and Community information groups and assisting the central government in the success of the vaccination program which is still considered by the public as dangerous thing.On the Weaknesses indicator, lack of accommodation costs, lack of exposure to the existence of two groups namely the Anti Hoax Task Force and the Hoax Information Group and lack of education to the public, on the Opportunities indicator, with the formation of an anti hoax task force and community information group, this is fully supported by the central and district governments in this case the Anti-Hoax Task Force and the Community Information Group, and in the Threats indicator, there are many irresponsible individuals who say that the Gorontalo Regency Diskominfo strategy to fight fake news only serves as a political vehicle in Gorontalo Regency.