Abstract :
Hallucinations are sensory perceptions without any external stimulus. Clients with hallucinations often feel conditions/conditions which is can only be felt by them but cannot be felt by other people (Nurlaili et al., 2019 ). Therapy The implementation strategy is the implementation of scheduled nursing care standards that are applied to patients with the aim of reducing the psychiatric nursing problems being handled. (Livana et al., 2020 ). Preliminary data obtained from the administration of the Tombulilato Regional General Hospital inpatients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia have increased. In 2020 there were 23 patients, in 2021 there were 33 patients while in 2023 there were 56 patients, of the 56 patients treated at the General Hospital in the Tombulilato area, there were 18 patients suffering from auditory hallucinations. the purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of generalist action on reducing the frequency of hallucination sensory perception disorders in the psychiatric inpatient room of the Tombiilato Regional General Hospital. This research was conducted in the psychiatric inpatient room of Tombulilato General Hospital for 2 weeks. Quantitative research with a one group quasy experimental approach (pre test post test) with 18 respondents. After the Wilcoxom test, the result or value of a = 0.000 where the value of a is lower than the value of p (0.005 ), which means that there is a relationship between generalist therapy and a decrease in the frequency of hallucinatory sensory perception disorders in the Inpatient Room of the Tombulilato Regional General Hospital, Bone Bolango Regency.