Abstract :
Nutrition has an important role in developing the quality of human resources. Nutritional imbalances can reduce the quality of human resources. Stunting (short stature) describes a Nutritional Status Less than -2 Standard Deviation. Stunting occurs due to several factors including nutritional factors. The objective of research was to determine the relationship between the nutritional status of toddlers and the incidence of stunting at the Kota Timur Health Center. This type of research is cross-sectional with a quantitative approach. Research results There is a relationship between the nutritional status of toddlers and the stunting (short stature) at the Kota Timur Health Center in 2022. In conclusion, the results of research in Health Center showed most toddlers who had nutritional status were included in the category of Undernourished Status, namely 11 toddlers (13.9%) and most toddlers were included in the stunting category, namely 10 toddlers ( 12.7%). His suggestion is to overcome the problem of stunting, it is necessary to provide information about nutrition to suit the needs of toddlers