Abstract :
As health workers, nurses play an important role in providing nursing care forspiritual servicessuch as helping to provide religious advice toincrease thepatient's enthusiasm forlife.This has notbeenfullyimplementedinhospitals,andmostnursespayattentiononlytophysicalconditions.Thepurposeofresearch was to determine the relationship between spiritual nursing services andpatient satisfaction in RSUD dr. Hasri Ainun Habibie. The type of research usedquantitative, with a cross sectional study approach. This research was conductedatdr.HasriAinunHabibiehospital.ThepopulationwereallinpatientsinDecember, totaling 54 people. The number of samples were 35 people. The dataanalysis test used the chi square test. The results of the chi square analysis testobtainedap-value=0.036