Abstract :
Management of respiratory disorders can improve and maintain the quality of life without obstacles in carrying out daily activities by providing non-pharmacological treatment. The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of orthopenic positioning and fowler art on oxygen saturation in patients with respiratory disorders in the emergency room of Boalemo Hospital. Quasi-experimental research design with one group pre and post test. The population of patients with respiratory distress in the last two months amounted to 30 patients. The sample was 30 people with accidental sampling technique. The instrument used is the SPO2 tool. Statistical test using mann whitney-u test. The results obtained were the average oxygen saturation of the orthopenic position group which was 97.07 and the semi-fowler position group was 94.87, as well as a significant value of 0.001 (0.05), this means that orthopenic positioning is more effective at increasing oxygen saturation, than semi-fowler position in respiratory patients in the emergency room of the Boalemo Farmers and Fishermen Hospital (RSTN). In conclusion, the action of orthopenic and semi-fowler positions can increase oxygen saturation.