Abstract :
Medicine Swallowing Supervisor in pulmonary TB patients is someone who is trusted to monitor pulmonary TB patients to take medication regularly. To support the DOTS strategy, it takes discipline from TB sufferers themselves in their treatment. This research aims to analyze the role of the Medicines Supervisor (PMO) on the success of treatment in the working area of the Bulango Ulu Health Center. This type of research is quantitative with a retrospective study approach. the number of samples is 40 respondents. From the results of the PMO analysis, 21 people (52.5%) played a good role, 11 people (27.5%) had a sufficient role and 8 people (20%) played a less role. Meanwhile, 29 patients (72.5%) underwent successful treatment and 11 patients (27.5%) failed/relapsed. From the statistical results using the chi-square test, it is known that the p value is 0.000 ( 0.05) thus it can be interpreted there is a significant relationship between the Role of medicine swallowing Supervisor (PMO) and the Success of Pulmonary TB Treatment in the Working Area of the Bulango Ulu Health Center. It is expected health workers make frequent home visits to TB patients on a regular basis as support and supervision of patient treatment.