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Universitas Muslim Indonesia
Tukuwan, Waode Putri Sukaenah
Mursyid, Mumtihanah
Aztriana, Aztriana
RS Pharmacy and materia medica 
2024-04-18 02:10:27 
Abstract :
WA ODE PUTRI SUKAENAH TUKUWAIN. Profil Pengkajian Resep Racikan Pasien Pediatri Rawat Jalan Di Apotek RSKD Ibu dan Anak Siti Fatimah Kota Makassar (Dibimbing oleh A. Mumtihanah Mursyid dan Aztriana). Pengkajian resep merupakan kegiatan dalam pelayanan kefarmasian yang meliputi penerimaan resep sampai pemberian informasi kepada pasien baik pasien rawat jalan ataupun rawat inap. Dalam proses pelayanannya terdapat aspek-aspek yang harus dikaji, yaitu aspek administrasi, farmasetik, dan klinis. Pengkajian resep bertujuan untuk menelaah kesalahan yang mungkin muncul pada resep, sehingga tidak terjadi medication error. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian non eksperimental dengan rancangan penelitian deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan pendekatan retrospektif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh resep racikan pediatri di RSKD lbu dan Anak Siti Fatimah Kota Makassar periode Januari-Maret 2023 yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi sebanyak 64 lembar resep. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan presentase kelengkapan aspek administrasi yaitu nama pasien (100%), umur pasien (100%), berat badan pasien (48,43%), tinggi badan pasien (0%), nama dokter (100%), nomor SIP dokter (100%), paraf dokter (37,5%), tanggal penerimaan resep ( 100% ), ruangan unit as al resep (92, 18% ). Kesesuaian aspek farmasetik yaitu nama dan jumlah obat (100%), bentuk sediaan (73,43%), kekuatan sediaan (68,92%), dosis obat (85,65%), aturan dan cara penggunaan (96,87%), obat yang stabil berdasarkan higroskopisitas (70,57%) dan berdasarkan fotolisis (25,55%), kompatibilitas (100%). Kesesuaian aspek klinis yaitu duplikasi pengobatan (98,43%), ketepatan dosis (71,87%), dan interaksi obat (20,31 %). Dapat disimpulkan bahw a dari semua aspek yang telah diteliti di RSKD lbu dan Anak Siti Fatimah kota Makassar belum memenuhi standar berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia No. 72 Tahun 2016 tentang Standar Pelayanan Kefarmasian di Rumah Sakit. Kata Kunci: Pediatri, Pengkajian, Racikan, Resep, Rumah Sakit WA ODE PUTRI SUKAENAH TUKUWAIN. Profile of Concoction Prescription Screening for Pediatric Outpatients at the Pharmacy of Siti Fatimah Mother and Child Special Hospital, Makassar City (Supervised by A. Mumtihanah Mursyid and Aztriana). Prescription screening, also known as prescription review, is a process within pharmaceutical services that involves the receipt of prescriptions and the provision of patient information to both inpatients and outpatients. There are several factors involved in the service process, such as administrative, pharmaceutical, and clinical factors. The purpose of prescription review is to identify any errors that may be present in the prescription in order to prevent medication errors. This study is a non-experimental study with a descriptive design. The data collection was done in a retrospective fashion. The study population was composed of all paediatric concoction recipes from January to March 2023 that met the inclusion requirements of 64 prescriptions at Siti Fatimah Mother and Child Hospital, Makassar City. The results of the study showed: the percentage of completeness of administrative aspects, namely patient's name (100%), patient's age (100%), patient's weight (48.43%), patient's height (0%), doctor's name (100%), doctor's SIP number (100%), doctor's initials (37.5%), date of prescription receipt (100%), and unit room where the prescription came from (92.18%); compliance with pharmaceutical aspects, namely name and amount of drug (100%), dosage form (73.43%), dosage strength (68.92%), drug dosage (85.65%), rules and method of use (96.87%) , a stable drug based on hygroscopicity (70.57%) and based on photolysis (25.55%), and compatibility (100%); suitability of clinical aspects, namely duplication of treatment (98.43%), dose accuracy (71.87%), and drug interactions (20.31 %). In conclusion, Siti Fatimah Mother and Child Hospital has not met the standards based on the Regulation of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia No. 72 of 2016 concerning Pharmaceutical Service Standards in Hospitals. Keywords: Pediatrics, Assessment, Concoction, Prescription, Hospital 
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Universitas Muslim Indonesia