Universitas Muslim Indonesia
Sari, Dewi Mustika
Kosman, Rachmat
Rusli, Rusli
RS Pharmacy and materia medica
2024-04-18 02:10:41
Abstract :
DEWI MUSTIKA SARI. Uji Aktivitas Antiradikal Bebas Isolat Fungi
Endofit Daun Kasumba Turate (Carthamus tinctorius (L) Asal Galesong
Takalar Dengan Metode DPPH (Dibimbing oleh Rachmat Kosman dan
Tanaman kasumba turate (Carthamus tinctorius (L.) merupakan
tanaman yang dapat digunakan sebagai obat tradisional herbal karena
mengandung berbagai jenis metabolit sekunder. Kasumba turate
mengandung senyawa fenolik flavonoid dan karotenoid yang memiliki
aktivitas antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh isolat
fungi endofit pada daun kasumba turate (Carthamus tinctorius (L.) yang
dapat beraktifitas sebagai antiradikal dengan metode DPPH, dan KLTautografi.
isolasi fungi endofit daun Kasumba Turate (Carthamus
tinctorius (L.) diperoleh 5 isolat IFDK 01, IFDK 02, IFDK 03, IFDK 04,
dan IFDK 05. Hasil pemeriksaan secara makroskopik kelima isolat fungi
endofit diperoleh karakterstik yang berbeda. Hasil uji aktivitas
antioksidan isolat fungi endofit diperoleh 2 isolat yang memberikan
aktivitas antioksidan yaitu isolat IFDK 03 dan IFDK 04. Hasil fermentasi
isolat fungi endofit dimasukkan ke dalam tabung vial sebanyak 5 mL
untuk menguji aktivitas antioksidan, hasil fermentasi dalam tabung vial
ditambahkan DPPH 0,004 % sebanyak 100 ?L, 200 ?L, 300 ?L, 400 ?L,
500 ?L. Hasil pengujian KLT-Autografi dengan penyemprotan DPPH
isolat IFDK 03 dan IFDK 04 berpotensi sebagai antiradikal bebas
menunjukkan bercak kuning berlatar belakang ungu memiliki nilai Rf1,
pada isolat IFDK 03 0,94 dan Rf2 0,55 dan nilai Rf1, isolat IFDK 04
0,76 dan Rf2 0,43.
Kata Kunci: Antiradikal Bebas, fungi endofit, Daun kasumba turate
(Carthamus tinctorius L.), DPPH.
DEWI MUSTIKA SARI. Free Antiradical Assay of Endophytic Fungi
Isolates of Safflower Leaves (Carthamus tinctorius (L) from Galesong
Takalar Using the DPPH Method (Supervised by Rachmat Kosman
and Rusli)
Kasumba Turate Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius (L.) is a plant
used as herbal medicinal product due to the presence of various types
of secondary metabolites. This plant contains flavonoid and carotenoid
phenolic compounds, both of which are antioxidants. This research
aimed to obtain isolates of endophytic fungi in safflower leaves which
can act as an antiradical, through the application of DPPH method and
TLC-autography. The results of isolation of the endophytic fungi of
safflower leaves yielded 5 isolates: IFDK 01, IFDK 02, IFDK 03, IFDK
04, and IFDK 05. The macroscopic analysis of the five endophytic
fungi isolates revealed discrepancies in terms of properties. The
antioxidant activity test was conducted on two of the endophytic fungi
isolates, and the results indicated that two of the isolates, IFDK03 and
IFDK04, demonstrated antioxidant activity. The fermentation results of
the endophytic fungi isolate were put into vials of up to 5 ml to
evaluate antioxidant activity added with a DPPH concentration of
0.004%. The vials were supplemented with 100 ?l, 200 ?l, 300 ?l, 400
?l, and 500 ?l of DPPH. The TLC-Autography test, which included the
spraying of DPPH isolate samples of IFDK03 and IFDK04 as potential
free antiradical, revealed that the yellow spot with a purple background
had Rf1 and Rf2 values of 0.94 and 0.55 for IFDK03. Besides, the Rf1
and Rf2 values for IFDK04 were 0.76 and 0.43 respectively.
Keywords: Anti-free radicals, endophytic fungi, safflower leaves
(Carthamus tinctorius L.), DPPH.