Abstract :
Latar belakang : Ulkus adalah luka terbuka pada kulit atau selaput lendir, yang dapat
disebabkan oleh kematian jaringan yang luas dan infeksi bakteri saprofit. Bakteri ini dapat
menyebabkan ulkus berbau. Ulkus diabetikum merupakan salah satu manifestasi klinis dari
diabetes dengan neuropati perifer, yang ditandai dengan luka yang sulit sembuh dan seringkali
tidak terasa nyeri.
Tujuan : untuk mengetahui efektivitas penggunaan kompres cairan setro-bac dalam perawatan
luka ulkus diabetikum Grade I pada pasien.
Hasil : Setelah dilakukan tindakan implementasi perawatan luka pada pasien sebanyak 2 kali
dalam seminggu, ditemukan adanya pada luka yang dialami pasien. Perubahan yang dapat
dilihat pada penampilan luka pada kunjungan pertama dan kedua berbeda, pada kunjungan
pertama granulasi atau merah : 0%, slough atau kuning : 100%, epitel 0% serta luka pasien pada
betis kaki kanan berukuran P : 6,6 cm, L : 2,7 cm pada luka terdapat bau dan Kunjungan kedua
di dapatkan penampilan luka pada tangan kiri granulasi atau merah : 0%, slough atau kuning :
100% epitel 0% serta luka pasien pada pergelangan kaki kanan berukuran P : 4 cm, L : 2 cm
pada luka terdapat bau.
Kesimpulan : Pemberian kompres Setro-Bac pada pasien ulkus diabetikum Grade I efektif
dalam mengurangi tanda-tanda klinis infeksi seperti rasa sakit, eksudat, dan bau, serta
mempercepat penyembuhan luka dengan merangsang pembentukan jaringan granulasi dan
mengurangi risiko infeksi.
Background: Ulcers are wounds an open wound of the skin or mucous membrane, which can
also be called extensive tissue death accompanied by invasive saprophytic germs extensive
tissue death accompanied by invasive saprophytic germs, the presence of saprophytic germs
can cause odorous ulcers the presence of saprophytic germs can cause ulcers that smell,
diabetic ulcers are also one of the clinical symptoms and the course of the disease one of the
clinical symptoms and course of diabetes with peripheral neuropathy peripheral
neuroBackground: Ulcers are open sores on the skin or mucous membranes, caused by
extensive tissue death and saprophytic bacterial infections. These bacteria can make ulcers
smell. Diabetic ulcers are one of the clinical manifestations of diabetes with peripheral
neuropathy, characterized by wounds that are difficult to heal and often painless.
Objective: To determine the effectiveness of Setro-bac liquid compresses in the treatment of
Grade I diabetic foot ulcers in patients.
Methods: The method used in This research is a case study.
Results: After the implementation of wound care on the patient twice a week, it was found that
the patient's wound had changed. Changes that can be seen in the appearance of the wound at
the first and second visits are different, at the first visit granulation or red: 0%, slough or yellow:
100%, epithelial 0% and the patient's wound on the calf of the right leg measured P : 6.6 cm, L:
2.7 cm in the wound there is an odor and the second visit got the appearance of the wound on
the left hand granulation or red: 0%, slough or yellow: 100% epithelial 0% and the patient's
wound on the right ankle measured P : 4 cm, L: 2 cm and the wound had an odor.
Conclusion: From the results of giving Setro-Bac compresses to eliminate clinical signs of
infection (such as; reducing pain, exudate / wound fluid and accelerating / encouraging
granulation tissue) or to reduce the risk of infection.