Universitas Muslim Indonesia
Hadjar, Aflinda
Fitriana, Fitriana
Asmaliani, Ira
Q Science (General)
2024-10-10 03:24:05
Abstract :
AFLINDA HADJAR. Isolasi dan identifikasi fungi endofit daun nona makan sirih (Clerodendrum thomsoniae) sebagai penghasil antibakteri terhadap bakteri penyebab infeksi kulit secara KLT-bioautografi (Dibimbing oleh Fitriana dan Ira Asmaliani).
Daun nona makan sirih (Clerodendrum thomsoniae) memiliki kandungan metabolit sekunder yang berpotensi sebagai antibakteri dengan tujuan untuk menentukan aktivitas antibakteri dan komponen kimia dari isolat fungi endofit daun nona makan sirih dengan metode KLT-Bioautografi. Penelitian ini meliputi proses isolasi fungi endofit dari daun nona makan sirih menggunakan medium PDAC, dilanjutkan dengan pemurnian serta uji makroskopik dan mikroskopik. Selanjutnya dilakukan uji skrining terhadap bakteri uji. Isolat yang terpillih difermentasi selama 21 hari. Kemudian dipisahkan supernatant dan miselia. Supernatan diekstraksi menggunakan metode cair-cair dengan pelarut etil asetat. Ekstrak yang diperoleh dilakukan pemisahan secara KLT dengan fase gerak kloroform:metanol (8:1) dan dilakukan KLT-Bioautografi terhadap bakteri uji serta identifikasi komponen kimia. Hasil isolasi dan pemurnian diperoleh sebanyak 13 isolat. Hasil uji skrining dengan kode IFDNMS 6, 8 dan 11 memberikan aktivitas terhadap bakteri uji. Hasill KLT-Bioautografi isolat 6 diperoleh 5 bercak dengan nilai Rf 0,89; 0,65; 0,45; 0,23; 0,05 aktif terhadap semua bakteri uji. Isolat 8 diperoleh 5 bercak dengan nilai Rf 0,89; 0,65; 0,05 aktif terhadap semua bakteri uji, sedangkan 0,45 terhadap bakteri P.acnes, S.aureus, dan S.epidermidis serta 0,23 terhadap bakteri S.aureus. Isolat 11 diperoleh 5 bercak dengan nilai Rf 0,89; 0,61; 0,45; 0,23; 0,05 terhadap semua bakteri uji. Hasil identifikasi komponen kimia yang memiliki aktivitas sebagai antibakteri adalah flavonoid dan fenolik.
Kata kunci : Antibakteri, Clerodendrum thomsoniae, KLT-Bioautografi.
AFLINDA HADJAR. Isolation and Identification of the Endophytic Fungi of Bleeding-Heart Vine Leaves (Clerodendrum thomsoniae) as an Antibacterial Producer against Skin Infection Bacteria using TLC-bioautography (Supervised by Fitriana and Ira Asmaliani).
Bleeding-heart vine leaves (Clerodendrum thomsoniae) contain secondary metabolites exhibiting the potential as antibacterials. The study aimed to determine the antibacterial activity and chemical components of the endophytic fungal isolates of bleeding-heart vine leaves by TLC-Bioautography method.
This research involved the isolation of endophytic fungi using PDAC medium and subsequent purification, macroscopic, and microscopic tests. Subsequently, a screening test of the test bacteria was conducted. The selected isolate was fermented for 21 days. Afterwards, the supernatant and mycelia were separated using a liquid-liquid method. The supernatant was extracted with ethyl acetate (EAT) solvent and and the extract was further separated by TLC (Mobile Phase Chloroform: Methanol) (8:1), followed by TLC Bioautography of the test bacteria and the identification of chemical components. 13 isolates were obtained as a result of isolation and purification. Results from screening tests with IFDNMS codes 6, 8, and 11 revealed that the test bacteria were active against them. The TLC-Bioautography of isolate 6 produced five spots that were active against all test bacteria, with Rf values of 0.89, 0.65, 0.45, 0.23, and 0.05. Isolate 8 produced five spots with an Rf value of 0.89, 0.65, and 0.05 which were active against all test bacteria, 0.45 active against P. acnes, S. aureus, and S. epidermidis, and 0.23 active against S. aureus. With regard to all test bacteria, isolate 11 produced 5 spots with Rf values of 0.89, 0.61, 0.45, 0.23, and 0.05. In conclusion, flavonoids and phenolics are the end products of the identification of chemical components with antibacterial activity.
Keywords: Antibacterial, Clerodendrum thomsoniae, TLC-Bioautography.