Peran Layanan Konseling Kelompok Menggunakan Teknik Role Playing Pada Penyesuaian Diri Siswa Di SMP Negeri 1 Lamasi
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo
Sarina, S
BF Psychology 
2021-03-25 08:08:18 
Abstract :
Group guidance service activities with this game technique consist of four stages, namely stage I formation and transition stage, stage II activities and treatment stage, and stage III termination. Each stage contains a therapeutic element and makes use of group dynamics. Through group guidance services with game techniques it allows each member to learn from each other to express and listen well, such as: opinions, ideas, suggestions, responses and responsibility for the opinions he has put forward. There are two indicators of self-adjustment, namely personal adjustment and social adjustment, of the two indicators, both indicators are prioritized in the counseling process in the counseling process with students. This is in line with the observation that students begin to accept the situation that exists in themselves with gratitude, can think positively about the existing reality, begin to learn to control themselves and direct themselves well. Meanwhile, the indicator with a low percentage of improvement after being given group guidance services with game techniques is social adjustment. Based on the descriptive analysis of the research on the effect of group guidance services with game techniques on students' self-adjustment, the average results were obtained before being given the treatment where students were very less confident when asked to introduce themselves in front of their friends. However, after receiving treatment in the form of group guidance services with role playing techniques on average the students experienced an increase, where they were no longer shy about speaking in front of their friends, and did not hesitate to express their opinions in a group atmosphere. Keywords: Group Guidance, Self-Adjustment 
Institution Info

Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo