Abstract :
The purpose of the study was to find out whether there is a contribution of leg length to the ability to run 100 meters at SMPN 8 Palopo students, to find out whether there is a contribution of limb explosive power with the ability to run 100 meters in students of SMPN 8 Palopo to find out whether there is a contribution of balance to the ability to run 100 meters in SMPN 8 Palopo students and To find out whether there is a jointly significant contribution of limb length, limb explosive power and balance with the 100 meter running ability of the students of SMPN 8 Palopo. The research method used descriptive research with the independent variables being leg length, limb explosive power and balance and the dependent variable being 100 meter running ability. is 200 students and the sample is 20 students. The results of this study suggest that: There is a significant contribution of leg length to the ability to run 100 meters in students of SMPN 8 Palopo. Its contribution is 80.9%. there is a significant contribution of limb explosive power with the ability to run 100 meters at SMPN 8 Palopo students. Its contribution is 85.0%. there is a significant contribution of balance to the ability to run 100 meters at SMPN 8 Palopo. Its contribution is 88.1%. there is a jointly significant contribution of leg length, leg explosive power and balance to the 100 meter run ability of the students of SMPN 8 Palopo. Its contribution is 94.8%.
Keywords: Leg Length, Leg Explosive Power, Balance, Running 100 M