Abstract :
This study aims to determine: (1) the influence of organizational culture on the performance of employees of PT. Telkom Palopo City, (2) the influence of the work environment on the performance of employees of PT. Telkom Palopo City,
(3) the effect of organizational citizenship behavior on the performance of employees of PT. Telkom Palopo City. The population selected in the study were all employees of PT. Telkom Palopo City as many as 52 people, researchers took a sample of 52 people, with the sampling technique using saturated sampling. The data analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study indicate that organizational culture has an effect on the performance of employees of PT. Telkom Palopo City, the work environment affects the performance of employees of PT. Telkom Palopo City, organizational citizenship behavior affects the performance of employees of PT. Telkom Palopo City.
Keywords: Organizational culture, work environment, organizational citizenship behavior, performance