Abstract :
This test aims to see the influence of consumers on product quality and service quality on consumer purchasing decisions at PT. Matahari Department of Palopo. The population in this study is all consumer behavior whose specific number is unknown. Thus, the technique of sampling using the Non-probability Sampling technique with the determination using the Snowball Sampling technique. The sample in this study was 95 respondents who were rounded up to 100 samples. Primary data is taken directly through the distribution of questionnaires using an online interval scale model that has been tested for validity and reliability. The data analysis technique used the Multiple Linear Regression Analysis method. The results show that, partially (t test) digital marketing communication has no positive and insignificant effect on purchasing decisions with a tcount of 1,941 < ttable 1,985, price has a negative and significant effect on purchasing decisions with a value of tcount 2,258 > ttable 1,985 and product quality has an effect positive and significant towards purchasing decisions with tcount 3.081 > ttable 1.985.
Simultaneous test results (F test) show that digital marketing communication, price and product quality have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions together with Fcount 59.420 > Ftable 3.09 and a significant value of 0.000 <0.05. The results of the coefficient of determination test (R2) obtained an R value of 0.806, meaning that the relationship between digital marketing communication variables, price and product quality on purchasing decision s has a positive and very strong relationship. From the Adjusted R Square value of 0.639, it shows the direct influence of all independent variables, namely product quality and service quality on consumer purchasing decisions is 0.639 or with a percentage level of 63.9%, the remaining 36.1% is influenced by other factors that are not tested in this study.
Keywords: product quality, service quality, consumer purchasing decisions.