(“Pengaruh metode bermain rondo passing drills terhadap keterampilan gerak dasar passing dalam permainan sepak bola pada murid SDN 30 Mattirowalie”)
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo
M.Yahsan, M.Yahsan
H Social Sciences (General) 
2023-09-08 02:42:25 
Abstract :
The purposeof the study was to determain the effect of the mhetod of playing rondo passing drills on the passing ability in football for student at SDN 30 Mattirowalie. This research was quantitative research with an experimental method defined as a mhetod used to find the effectof certain treatments on others under controlled condition. The populasion in this study was was student of SDN 30 Mattirowalie. The sample was the student os SDN 30 Mattirowalie as many as 24 people. Sample was taken by using purposive samplingtechnique. The data analysis technique used SPSS version 23 application program. The results show that there is a significant effect of the mhetod of playing rondo passing drills on the passing ability in football for student at SDN 30 Mattirowalie. With a value of t = count of 13,633 the value is greater than t = table of 2,068 or t = count of 13,633 > t = table 2,068 and the result is sig. (2- tailed) that is 0.oo < 0,05. It means that there is a significant effect of the mhetod of playing rondo passing drills on the passing ability in football for students at SDN 30 Mattirowalie. Keyword: Rondo, Pasing Ability, Football 
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Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo