Abstract :
This study aims to: (1) provide an overview of the learning process to improve the students? ability to recognize the number symbols of children aged 5-6 years at TKIT Insan Madani Palopo City by using Ular Tangga Raksasa Strategy (a Giant Ladder Snake game strategy). (2) find the best way of Ular Tangga Raksasa strategies to improve the ability to recognize the number symbols of children aged 5-6 years at TKIT Insan Madani Palopo City. This study uses a classroom action research design with several cycles in TKIT Insan Madani students with a total of 12 children as subjects of the research. The research data were obtained using two main instruments namely test and observation, while the secondary data were obtained using interviews. The results of this study indicate that (1) Strategies in teaching recognizing numbers for Early Childhood Education students are needed, and one that can be used is the Ular Tangga Raksasa strategy, (2) The use of Ular Tangga Raksasa as a strategy in teaching Numbers symbols should be done with the exact procedure as done in the study. The intended procedure is as follows: (a) The teacher prepares the media to be used and should be appropriate for the physical size of the child, the appropriate size is 160cm x 200cm (b) The amount of media used and prepared should be appropriate to the number of children who will play, so that long queues do not occur and each child can have the opportunity to play (c) It is recommended that additional activities be prepared for other students who do not play to avoid noise (d) After playing Ular Tangga Raksasa, the teacher gives reinforcement by repeating the numbers in the playing media, and train children to say and point to the numbers on the media.
Key Words: Snake Ladder Game, Students? ability, Numbers Symbols, Teaching media, Teaching Strategy, Palopo City.