Universitas Muhammadiyah Palopo
Baharuddin T, Baharuddin T
Hidayat, Rahmat
Pribadi, Imam
G Geography (General)
2023-11-07 02:42:09
Abstract :
The objectives of the study are: 1) To determine whether there is an influence of interest on physical education learning outcomes in Madrasah Ibtidaiah Istiqamah Salu Makarra students. 2) To find out whether there is an influence of motivation on physical education learning outcomes in Madrasah Ibtidaiah Istiqamah Salu Makarra students. 3) To determine whether there is an influence of interest and motivation together on physical education learning outcomes in Madrasah Ibtidaiah Istiqamah Salu Makarra students. The research method uses descriptive research with independent variables of interest and motivation and variables tied to learning outcomes. The population is a total population of 70 students and the sample is 15 students. Data analysis techniques using the SPSS application program.
The results of this study concluded that: 1) There was a significant influence of interest on physical education learning outcomes in Madrasah Ibtidaiah Istiqamah Salu Makarra students by 89.4%. 2) There is a significant influence of motivation on physical education learning outcomes in Madrasah Ibtidaiah Istiqamah Salu Makarra students by 92.6%. 3) There is a significant influence of interest and motivation together on physical education learning outcomes in Madrasah Ibtidaiah Istiqamah Salu Makarra students by 96.2%.
Keywords: Interest, Motivation, Learning Outcomes