Abstract :
This study aims to determine whether there is an effect of palm sugar (arenga pinnata) on active recovery in submaximal physical activity in Luwu District Pencak Silat Provincial athletes. The results of this research show that there is a difference in athlete test scores between the experimental group pretest and the control group pretest and the experimental group posttest and the control group posttest. It can be seen from the value (mean) that there is an increase after the experimental group sample drank palm sugar and it can be concluded that palm sugar has an effect or produce active recovery in submaxillary physical activity in Luwu District Pencak Provincial athletes.
Based on the results of the research and discussion presented in the previous chapter, it can be concluded that: Based on the average value of the pretest initial pulse rate, an average value of 80.00 was obtained, posttest initial pulse rate obtained an average value of 69.83, submaximal pulse rate pretest obtained an average value of 172.17, submaximal pulse rate posttest obtained an average value of 163.17, active recovery pretest obtained a value of 78.67, active recovery posttest obtained an average value of 67.33 showed that there was a significant effect in the experimental group of palm sugar (arenga pinnata) on active recovery in submaximal physical activity of provincial pencak silat athletes in Luwu district.