Abstract :
This study aims to determine the development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises based on the Creative Economy at the Port of Tanjung Ringgit, Palopo City. The informants in this study were determined purposively. The informants in this study were the Head of the Palopo City Creative Economy field, UMKM players and the ponjalae village head. The data analysis method used is qualitative analysis. In the development of MSMEs at the Port of Tanjung Ringgit, Palopo City, capital is the main problem, although not the most decisive in the growth and development of MSMEs in the Port of Tanjung Ringgit. For this reason, a role from the banking sector and other financial institutions such as pawnshops, venture capital, leasing, and others is needed in providing capital for MSMEs. The results of the study also show that bank credit is still an alternative source of capital for MSMEs at Tanjung Ringgit Port. Creative economy-based MSMEs require cooperation from various parties to achieve progress in the business world. Not only the government and MSME actors themselves, but also the community needs to participate in developing it.
Keywords : MSME Development, Creative Economy