Abstract :
From the previous discussion, the writer can conclude some issues which will be mentioned as follow. First, learning process at SD Islam Al-Azhar Kelapa Gading Surabaya has been conducted effectively. It looks from the learning objectives achieved. However, there are things to consider in this learning process. One of them is engaged students in fun learning. From the discussion in the previous chapter, fun learning is quite successful in supporting students in learning. This fun learning can be combined with the previous learning model. So that, the learning process enriched with the many models of learning activities conducted.
Nevertheless, the writer still found obstacles during the learning process. These obstacles included class organizing, time management, and meeting the needs of each student that was different. However, after doing this case study and dealing with those problems, the writer gets many benefits. For instance, the writer can apply the learning method she has learned during her study in college. Also, the writer can interact with students, understand their characters, and know how to deal with them properly