Composing International News Articles In Pt. Jawa Pos Surabaya
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Universitas Airlangga
Birgitta Okta Kartika Tripurusa Prasetyo
P87-96 Communication. Mass media 
2020-10-18 09:31:21 
Abstract :
There are several points can be concluded based on this final report and during internship program. The writer had valuable experience during the internship, the writer had learned about hownews articles in Jawa Pos were composed and how the method in writing straight news differ from writing feature news. From the previous chapter, the writer can conclude some points. The first point is about the process of composing news articles in Jawa Pos. As an international reporter, the writer needs to understand the content of source news before start composing in target news. Based on the observation, the writer found the problems in composing news articles that the writer had a little knowledge about news and found it difficult when choosing news from sources so that the writer asked the international reporters in Jawa Pos for some advices and tips in composing news article. 
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Universitas Airlangga