Upaya Preventif Pemberian Ekstrak Akar Kucing (Acalypha indica L.) Untuk Mempertahankan Jumlah Sel Sertoli Dan Sel Leydig Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus) Yang Diinduksi Monosodium Glutamat
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Universitas Airlangga
M. Ihzza Rafsanjany
Q Science 
2020-12-30 13:24:36 
Abstract :
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) used widely in society as flavour but the excessive and longterm use of MSG was decrease a number of cells included sertoli and leydig cells. The research aims was to know the potential of akar kucing (Acalypha indica L.) extract to maintain the number of sertoli and leydig cells of Rattus norvegicus which was exposed by MSG. The research was conducted for 30 days with a 20 white male rats as experimental animal with an average weight of 150 grams. The rats was randomly divided into control group (K-, K+) and treatment group (P1, P2, P3). Control group had been given Carboxymethyle Cellulose-Natrium (CMC-Na) 1% with 1 mL aquadest (K-), and with MSG 4g/kg BW/day (K+). Group of P1, P2, and P3 were given orally the extract of Acalypha indica L 210, 420, and 840 mg/kg BW/day, respectively, and then MSG 4 g/kg BW/day in 30 days. The result showed that MSG consumption (K+) decreased the number of sertoli and leydig cells 6,4 ± 2,23, 4,85 ± 1,51 compared to normal condition (K-) 18,85 ± 7,82, 13,6 ± 4,66. Treatment with 420 mg/kg BW/day (P2) 16 ± 4,02, 11,45 ± 2,03 was the best dose for maintain the number of sertoli and leydig cells approaches the normal condition 18,85 ± 7,82, 13,6 ± 4,66. It could be concluded that administration of Acalypha indica L. extract 420 mg/kg BW/day orally for 30 days maintain the number of sertoli and leydig cells on the rats that exposed by MSG 4 g/kg BW/day. 
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Universitas Airlangga