Gambaran Darah Dan Kadar Hormon Testosteron Serum Sapi Pejantan Jenis Limousin, Simmental, Dan Friesian Holstein Yang Dipelihara Di Taman Ternak Pendidikan FKH Unair
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Universitas Airlangga
Elita Triwijayanti Aqfari
Q Science 
2020-12-30 13:37:44 
Abstract :
The aim of this study was to know the differences haematology value and serum testosterone levels of Limousine, Simmental, and Holstein Friesian bull in Airlangga University Teaching Farm. The research method in this study used laboratories explorative. The experiment was used eight bulls namely three Limousine, three Simmental, and two Holstein Friesian bulls. Blood samples of the bulls were collected for about 10 ml each with venoject, and then 5 ml for hematology value test, and 5 ml for serum testosterone level. Statistical analysis was used Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The results of the experiment showed that hematology value of the three kinds of bulls was not significantly different (p>0,05) in variable of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, leukocytes, platelets, and MCH. Variable of MCV and MCHC showed significant differences (p<0,05) so the data analysis can be completed with Duncan test of 5%. MCV values in Limousine and Simmental bull have higher than the Holstein Friesian bull. The result of MCV value had an average of 56,10 fL for Limousine, 54,617 fL for Simmental, and 43,375 fL for Holstein Friesian bull. MCHC values in Holstein Friesian bull have higher than Limousine and Simmental bull. The result of MCHC value had an average of 30,68 g/dL for Limousine, 30,65 g/dL for Simmental, and 31,25 g/dL for Holstein Friesian bull. Analysis of serum testosterone level was used sandwich ELISA method. The result test of serum testosterone levels had an average of 0,521 ± 0,257 ng/ml for Limousine, 0,398 ± 0,323 ng/ml for Simmental, and 0,086 ± 0,037 ng/ml for Holstein Friesian Bull. The results of the experiment showed that serum testosterone level of the three kinds of bulls was not significantly different (p>0,05). 
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Universitas Airlangga