Homology And Phylogenetic Analysis Of Coding Gene Fusion (F) Protein Of Newcastle Disease Virus From Domestic Pigeon Isolates
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Universitas Airlangga
Anastasia Hanny Irawan
Q Science 
2020-12-30 13:56:29 
Abstract :
Newcastle Disease is caused by RNA virus Avian Paramyxovirus serotype I (APMV 1). This study was conducted to analyze the homology and phylogenetic of encoding gene fusion (F) protein of Newcastle disease virus from domestic pigeon isolates. 20 samples were collected in the form of autopsy materials from East Java. The samples were inoculated in Specific Pathogen Free (SPF) embryonated chicken egg and identified by HA assay. The samples undergo RNA extraction and the partial Fusion protein gene was amplified by One - Step RT PCR using a forward and reverse primer with the target of 329 bp. The results were then visualized by 1% Agarose Gel Electrophoresis. The PCR products were then purified and sequenced. The nucleotide sequences from field isolates were compared to isolates that was obtained from Genbank. The results showed that the samples BD1 and BD2 have high homology score and a close phylogenetic relation to the LaSota reference sequence. BG have homology score with isolate HQ697254 of 96% and showed a close phylogenetic relation to isolate HQ697254. Hopefully, future research regarding NDV in Indonesia will have a greater amount of samples. 
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Universitas Airlangga