Kampanye Komunikasi Dalam Rangka Revitalisasi Budaya Organisasi Pada Program Internalisasi Corporate Value (ICV) Direktorat Jenderal Pajak (DJP)
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Universitas Airlangga
Rahmat, Zulkifli
Q223-227 Communication in Science 
2021-08-26 01:21:54 
Abstract :
This study aims to identify and explore how the communication process and employee interaction that occurred in the 2019 ICV program communication campaign in order to revitalize the DJP organizational culture and what causes the 2019 ICV program to not have the expected impact from its implementation. In addition, this study also aims to determine the response of DJP employees in two different areas, the DJP Head Office and Banten DJP Regional Office as recipients and implementers of the 2019 ICV program. A series of cases of DJP employees, an increase in the number of complaints and violations, the tax revenue target not being achieved since 2008 and the results of a survey by the Inspectorate General (Itjen) of the Ministry of Finance which showed unfavorable results were the background of this research. The ICV, which has been implemented since 2013 as a support effort in following up on existing problems, has not been able to resolve these problems. The qualitative paradigm is the paradigm used in this type of exploratory research. Meanwhile, the case study method is the research method chosen by researcher to be able to get more in-depth and complete results from the organizational culture communication process in the 2019 ICV program. Data collection was carried out by means of in-depth interviews with informants, document observation and observations of employees' workplaces. The analysis was carried out using the stages of the change process in the context of stakeholder communication as suggested by Lewis (2011). The results of this study indicate that there are problems and obstacles in the implementation of the ICV program which are indicated by the materials and methods used, as well as the evaluation tools to accommodate suggestions and criticisms from employees who are not available. In addition, the interaction between employees experienced disruption in the communication process with the not optimal role of the connector and journalist in the context of revitalizing the DJP organizational culture. This problem is a bureaucratic pathology that is indicated by a human element that seems to be eliminated in the preparation of materials and methods, indifference to criticism and suggestions from below and rigid communication among employees due to the hierarchy of positions and division of tasks. A more humanist bureaucratic reform that focuses not only on institutional transformation but also on changing the paradigm and mindset of employees is the answer to existing problems. Of course this can be done by placing employees as human beings who are sensitive to feelings and emotions, as well as a desire for self-actualization through expression and expressing opinions about what they feel during the program. 
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Universitas Airlangga