Universitas Airlangga
Sri Sumarmi (LECTURER ID : 0025066809)
TX341-641 Nutrition. Foods and food supply
2020-04-28 01:43:46
Abstract :
Anemia is caused by a deficiency of various nutrients in the body because of its existence affect each other and can increase the risk of illness due to decreased immunity. The purpose of this study was to analyze anemia in women
in reproductive age to do with the nutrient intake of food and incidence of illness in Probolinggo. The study was observational-analytic cross sectional study using a
baseline questionnaire data umbrellas as many as 71 respondents randomly selected from 305 newlywed woman. Data were analyzed using the software nutrisurvey using Chi-Square test (ï£2), Pearson linear correlation test and
Independent t-Test. The results showed that there was no significant association between anemia status with the intake of iron (p = 1.000), vitamin A (p = 0.505), vitamin
B2 (p = 0.633), vitamin B6 (p = 1.000), vitamin C ( p = 0.258), folic acid (p = 0.304), calcium (p = 0.644), zinc (p = 0.570), fiber (p = 0.570) and protein (p = 0.505). But there is a positive correlation iron consumption (p = 0.016,
r = 0.374), vitamin A (p = 0.001, r = 0.502), folic acid (p = 0.001, r = 0.502) with the hemoglobin in the group who are not anemic, and there was no significant relationship between anemia and the incidence of hospital respondents
(p = 1.000). The conclusion was that the majority of respondents aged anemia 20-25 years old, high school graduate, did not work, and the total family income
Rp500.000,00 - Rp900.000,00. The severity of anemia in the majority of respondents (90.0%) were mild anemia. There was no significant association between anemia status with nutrients studied and the occurrence of illness, but
statistically there is a positive correlation between the consumption of iron, vitamin A, folic acid and hemoglobin levels in the group that are not anemic. Adequacy of nutrients in the majority of women in reproductive age in
Probolinggo low that recommended increasing the intake of nutrients and has a varied range of food.