Universitas Abdurachman Saleh
Nayyirotul Tadz, Qiro
Amalia Risqi, Puspitaningtyas
Aenor, Rofek
L Education (General)
2024-01-30 06:49:26
Abstract :
Learning that is not only focused on students but also on the mindset towards
learning. One of the supporting factors for effective and efficient efforts in learning is the use of
learning aids. The use of educational learning videos can help students receive learning material
easily and will be explained further in the use of educational learning videos. This research aims
to describe the results of analysis related to the use of educational learning videos in increasing
students' understanding of the water cycle in class IV science subjects at SDN 1 Alasmalang for
the 2022/2023 academic year. This research uses qualitative research by collecting data through
direct observation, interviews and documentation. Based on the research results, the use of
educational learning videos in class 4 on water cycle material received a good response because
it made it easier for students to understand the material and also made it easier for teachers to
prepare learning material. Students can be active during learning because their understanding is
sufficient to be able to answer questions and questions that the teacher gives.