Universitas Abdurachman Saleh
muhammad baydawi, prayudi
LB Theory and practice of education
2024-02-01 04:03:13
Abstract :
Prayudi, Muhammad Baydawi (2023) ?An Analysis of Illocutionary Act by Nuseir Yassin in Deddy Corbuzier Poadcast?. Thesis, English Study Program, Faculty of Letters, universitas Abdurachman Saleh , Situbondo.
This study analyzes illocutionary acts in the dialogue between Nuseir Yassin and Deddy Corbuzier. The purpose of this research is to identify the types of illocutionary act used by Nuseir Yassin and describes the function of the illocutionary act used by Nuseir Yassin in the Poadcast Deddy Corbuzier.
This research use the Yule theory (1996) to determine the types of illocutionary acts and to determine the functions of illocutionary acts used in the Nuseir Yassin dialogue and this research use descriptive qualitative method. The data source used is the poadcast video by Nuseir Yassin and Deddy Corbuzier which was carried on Deddy Corbuzier?s Youtube Channel in 2023. Researcher also use Spradley?s technique of analysis. The instrument is the researcher himself who collects, identifies, and describes the data.
The results of this study indicate that there are three types of illocutionary acts used in Nuseir Yassin's dialogue, namely a representative which has a function of 56 data statements, 2 data facts, 2 data conclusions, and 8 data descriptions. Expressive that works for pleasure 3 data, likes 5 data, dislikes 2 data, joy 1 data, sadness 1 data. Directive which has the function of ordering 1 data , requesting 1 data, suggesting 5 data.
It can be concluded that Nuseir Yassin made statements through his experience as a content creator who often creates content in foreign countries, Nuseir Yassin stated many statements about himself and shared a lot of knowledge in the videos he made on his social media and in this podcast Nuseir Yassin and Deddy are both content creators who are active on their social media, interviews are the method used to run podcasts.
In most conversations, as presented in this study and previous studies, the most dominant type of illocutionary act is representative. declaration and commissive.
Keywords: Nuseir Yassin, Illocutionary Acts, Speech Acts.