Abstract :
The research objective in this study was to determine the effect of leadership, work environment and work
loyalty variables partially on the variable job satisfaction of employees of the Pasir Putih Regional Company
in Situbondo, to determine the effect of variables of leadership, work environment and work loyalty
simultaneously on the variable job satisfaction of Regional Company employees Pasir Putih Situbondo, to
find out leadership, work environment and work loyalty which have a dominant influence on the job
satisfaction variable of the employees of the Pasir Putih Situbondo Regional Company. The method used in
this study is the validity test, reliability test, Classic Assumption Test, multiple linear regression analysis, t
test, F test and determination test
The results of the multiple linear regression equation are Y = 3,311E-17 + 0,241X1 + 0,236 X2 + 0,264X3
+ e. T test for leadership variables of tcount 2.048> t table 2,000 sig 0.045 <0.05, work environment for t
count 2.013> t table 2,000 sig 0.049 <0.05, work loyalty is t count 2.098> t table 2,000 sig 0.040 <0.05
means H1 states that the variables of leadership, work environment and work loyalty partially affect
employee job satisfaction can be accepted. The F test is known to be Fcount 7,969> Ftable 2.76 sig 0,000
<0.05, meaning that H2 states that leadership, work environment and work loyalty simultaneously influence
employee job satisfaction. research hypothesis (H3) which states that work loyalty variables that have a
dominant effect on employee job satisfaction are accepted. R square of 0.285 has a low contribution of
28.5% to the dependent variable and the remaining 71.5% is influenced by other variables not examined.
Keywords: Leadership, Work environment, Work loyalty and Job Satisfaction