Presupposition analysis main character in movie "The Dictator" Movie
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Universitas Abdurachman Saleh
Fadil, Ikrori
PE English 
2023-10-19 07:30:46 
Abstract :
This study analyzes presupposition in The Dictator movie. The purpose of this research is to identify the types of presupposition used by main character and describe the functions of presupposition used by man character in The Dictator movie. This research used descriptive qualitative method. The data source is The Dictator movie (2012). The research data are the utterences of the main character in The Dictator movie (2012). This study used theory by Yule (1996) to determine the types of prespposition used in The Dictator movie. Next, it used theory by Ge (2011) to determine the functions of presupposition used in The Dictator movie. The researcher used theory by Spradley (1980) to analayze the data. The instrument is the researcher himself who collected, identified, and described the data. The result of this research showed that there were six types of presupposition in The Dictator namely structural presupposition which is 16 (34%) data, lexical presuppostion with total 13 (28%) data, factive presuppositoin with 10 (21%) data existential presupposition with 4 data (9%) and non-factive presupposition with 3 data (6%). And then, the least is counter-factual presuppositon which has only 1 (2%) data. The researcher found five functions, emphasis with 31 data (66%), persuasion with 7 data (15%), 4 data (9%) as enlargement, 3 (6%) data as concisenes, self-protection with only 1 (2%) data. 
Institution Info

Universitas Abdurachman Saleh