Illocutionary Acts In The Movie Spiderman No Way Home
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Universitas Abdurachman Saleh
Rudi, Irawan
PN Literature (General) 
2023-10-23 05:36:02 
Abstract :
This research analyzed illocutionary acts in a movie entitled Spiderman No Way Home. The intent of this research is to discover the sorts and functions of illocutionary acts uttered by means of Peter Parker as the main person inside the movie. This studies uttered descriptive qualitative technique. The data source uttered on this studies was taken from the Spiderman No Way Home movie downloaded thru internet. This studies utteredd Searle?s concept to decide the varieties of illocutionary acts and their function. The researcher also utteredd a theory by Spradley as a data analysis technique. The instrument is the researcher himself who collected, Identified, and described the data. The outcome discovering of this studies indicated that there are 4 class of illocutionary acts utteredd by means of the primary character named Peter Parker in the Spiderman No Way Home movie.Those are assertives which have the function as asserting (5 data), Informing (7 data), explaining (3 data), and claiming (3 data). Directives that have functions of commanding (4 data), forbidding (3 data), requesting 7 data, suggesting 1 data, and asking 6 data. Commisive which have the function of vowing (1 data), thereatening (1 data), and promising (1 data). Exspressives that had the function of apologizing (5 data), thanking (5 data), blaiming (1 data), and sorrow (1 data). As the outcome of this research is that the researcher can concluded that Peter Parker utterances most dominant were a directive kinds of illocutionary acts, was actually uttered by the speaker so that the listener to doing something. It was depicted in a movie and also often occurs in real life of interactions between human beings. 
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Universitas Abdurachman Saleh