Informasi Pelayanan Kartu Tanda Penduduk Di Kantor Kampung Mansaburi Distrik Masni Kabupaten Manokwari Provinsi Papua Barat
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Koyani, Simson Naftali
351 Administrasi publik 
2022-10-09 23:50:59 
Abstract :
Berdasarkan hasil penelintian tentang informasi pelayanan Kartu Tanda Penduduk di Kantor Kampung Mansaburi Distrik Masni Kabupaten Manokwari Provinsi Papua Barat, bahwa prosedur memberikan informasi kepada warga masyarakat untuk pengurusan Kartu Tanda Penduduk dilaksanakan terus menerus setiap bulan melalui ketu-ketua Rukun Tentangga dan Rukun Wilayah. Kepala kampung bersama aparat kampung telah menyampaikan persyaratan pengurusan Kartu Tanda Penduduk serta mereka telah menyediakan formulir untuk melakukan pengurusan Kartu Tanda Penduduk. Pengurusan Kartu Tanda Penduduk tidak di pungut biaya, pengurusan secara gratis kepada masyarakat kampung mansaburi. Waktu pengurusan surat pengantar pembuatan kartu Tanda Penduduk di kantor kampung paling lama 2 jam. Proses pelayanan Kartu Tanda Penduduk lancer dan tepat waktu, dengan motto pelayanan Kartu Tanda Penduduk sebagai dasar pelayanan agar sama-sama maju ke arah yang baik. Hanya pemberitahuan selalu lisan sehingga warga Kampung Mansubari lupa akan informasi-informasi yang telah disampaikan. Pelayanan Kartu Tanda Penduduk bagi Warga Rukun Tetangga/Rukun Wilaya Kampung Mansaburi sesuai dengan informasi yang diterima dari Kantor Distrik dan setiap ada warga baru yang mau menetap selalu didaftarkan. Nomor Induk Kependudukan untuk warga Kampung Mansaburi secara keseluruhan secara tepat waktu bagi sebagian yang belum memiliki Kartu Keluarga karena baru menikah/kawin. Hanya empat keluarga baru yang belum memiliki Kartu Keluarga karena belum menikah. Untuk warga masyarakat yang belum memiliki Kartu Tanda Penduduk tunggu pemberitahuan dari masyarakat terkait pengurusan KTP-e baru?. Based on the results of the research on the information on the Identity Card service at the Mansaburi Village Office, Masni District, Manokwari Regency, West Papua Province, the procedure for providing information to the community for obtaining Identity Cards is carried out continuously every month through the chairmen of the Rukun Aboutga and Rukun Wilayah. The village head together with village officials have submitted the requirements for obtaining an Identity Card and they have provided a form for processing an Identity Card. There is no charge for the management of identity cards, free management for the people of Mansaburi village. The time for processing cover letters for making Identity Cards at the village office is no longer than 2 hours. The process of serving the National Identity Card is smooth and on time, with the motto of Identity Card service as the basis of service so that together they can advance in a good direction Only the notification is always verbal so that the residents of Mansubari Village forget the information that has been conveyed. The Identity Card service for the residents of the Rukun Tetangga / Rukun Wilaya Kampung Mansaburi is in accordance with the information received from the District Office and every new resident who wants to stay is always registered. The Population Identification Number for the residents of Mansaburi Village as a whole is on time for some who do not have a Family Card because they just got married / married. Only four new families did not have a Family Card because they were not married. For citizens who do not have Identity Cards, wait for notification from the community regarding the arrangement for a new KTP-e ". 
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