Abstract :
The topic in this research is about the process of hegemony and capitalism towards the phenomenon of coffee shops as a popular culture of teenagers. This research was conducted at convo coffee which is located in Jombang City. Convo coffee is one of the coffee shops that is popular among teenagers. This study uses a qualitative research method using a culture studies approach that is used to determine the power and meaning in Raymond William's thinking. The theory used is culture studies proposed by Chirs Barker, and the theory of cultural materialization of hegemony and capitalism proposed by Raymond Williams. The informants in this research are the owner of convo coffee, barista, and visitors to convo coffee.
The results in this study found the process of coffee shops as popular culture (1) the process of hegemony through existence through hanging out activities by chatting, working / studying, and following lifestyles in trending activities through the spread of information through TikTok and Instagram social media. Convo coffee has a modern design so that it can replace the old form of hanging out culture which used to be in parks or stalls, (2) the process of capitalism through the innovation of convo coffee a). collektive spice is a place that provides a variety of food hits, self studio, and iphone service, b).Instagramable in this case Convo coffee is an innovative place that is suitable for photos that illustrate teenage popular culture activities.Convo coffee using this concept can attract visitors to come to convo coffee because it has a unique concept so that it can give a comfortable impression and can master it as a popular culture.
Keywords: Coffee Shop; Popular Culture; Teenagers