Abstract :
NIM: 22010024
This study aims to determine the relationship between the professional
competence of Islamic Religious Education teachers and students' learning
motivation. In this research, the author only selected 20% of the total population,
consisting of 36 students. The sample was taken using random sampling
techniques. To obtain data regarding the relationship between the professional
competence of Islamic Religious Education teachers and students' learning
motivation, a questionnaire developed by the researcher was used. To achieve this
goal, the data were analyzed using correlational research methods. Data
processing was conducted using statistical tools or SPSS 25.0 software. The
results of this research show that there is a strong positive relationship between
variable X (professional competence of Islamic religious education teachers) and
variable Y (student learning motivation) with a correlation coefficient value of
0.759. This value shows that quantitatively, the professional competence of
Islamic religious education teachers has a significant relationship with students'
learning motivation. This strong or high relationship is shown through the
contribution of variable X (professional competence of Islamic religious education
teachers) and variable Y (student learning motivation) with a coefficient of
determination of 57.6%.