Abstract :
Nama : Vani Irwanto
Nim 202365201010
Prodi : Ilmu Pemerintahan Pembimbing : 1. Drs. H. Shobirin Noer, M.HI.
2. Nieke Rudyanty Winanda, S.AP., M.Si.
digital-based population The Population and Civil Registration Service has made various efforts to improve the quality of services, namely through various programs aimed at facilitating and lightening the burden on the community and the population administration staff of the Population and Civil Registration Service of Jombang Regency, and with the Government as an authority that meets the needs of the community. The existence of the government must be based on the needs of the community. Government agencies, especially those that provide services, can be regulated and adjusted by the Government, one of which is the system, mechanism and model of state administration from the rights and obligations of the community and state administrators. The rights and obligations of the community must be implemented and implemented properly. Likewise with government employees who play a role in providing public services as a form of respect for the rights of the community. Fulfillment of obligations must be based on existing procedures to produce excellent public services. Public services are the core of the administration provided by service providers in Indonesia and are still a problem that requires attention and solutions. . This research design is a qualitative descriptive study. The sampling technique or research subject in this study uses purposive sampling and snowball sampling techniques so that there are key informants and supporting informants. The key informant in this study is the Head of the General Section who knows for sure the implementation of service activities at the Population Administration and Civil Registration Office of Jombang Regency, the findings of the data that have been presented previously in the research results will be analyzed by correlating the research results with the theory used in this study. found several efforts made by the population and civil registration office in improving the quality of service, one of which is the administrative service of the program in order to achieve a quality service that is fast, precise and accurate, and in the process of efforts to improve the quality of public services carried out by the population and civil registration office of Jombang Regency still experiences several obstacles, namely the lack of public understanding of technology and digitalization, especially the generation X community and below,
Keywords: government, services, population and civil registration services, population administration, efforts