Abstract :
Self healing is a method of self-healing by releasing expressions through awareness, appreciation, relationships and wholeness and thoughts that exist within the individual to control their feelings and emotions so that they are well controlled. Self-healing aims to overcome the problems of human life, especially in mental disorders. Dhikr in the sense is remembering Allah, dhikr should be done both verbally and in the heart, meaning that whatever activities a Muslim does should not forget Allah SWT. Wherever, a Muslim is always remembering Allah, so that it will cause love to do good deeds in the way of Allah and shame to sin against Allah SWT. The purpose of the study was to determine the meaning of dhikr as self healing in Islamic guidance and counseling using effective person-centered counseling techniques for counselees.
The method used in this research is leatherative. The phenomenology of dhikr which is increasingly in demand by many people today makes researchers interested in conducting research. The subjects of this research are Jama'ah Mujahadah Thoriqoh Qodiriyah Wa Naqsyabandiyah (JAMU TAQWA), namely 6 people. How to take research subjects with an incidental sampling approach. Data collection techniques in this study are observation, interviews, and documentation. While the data analysis techniques used are data reduction, data presentation, and verification or conclusions.
The result of the study is that the self-healing of dhikr practitioners has the potential to heal emotions and help individuals manage stress, anxiety, or depression. And various existing dhikr practices such as: istighfar, isti'adzah, basmalah, takbir, tasbih, tahmid. Practicing istighfar focuses not only on regret for past mistakes, accepting their mistakes gracefully, building an attitude of compassion towards oneself but also on the commitment to change into a better person. By practicing Isti'adzah, one places themselves under the protection of Allah SWT, which provides a sense of security and confidence in facing life's challenges. By practicing Basmalah, one learns to accept circumstances, feel calmer, as they are which can have a positive effect on mental and emotional health. Practicing Takbir one shows their reverence and obedience to God, It creates a feeling of respect and obedience that deepens the spiritual connection with the Creator. Practicing tasbih one can develop a more positive attitude, increase inner calm, and improve emotional well-being. Practicing tahmid one becomes increases gratitude, feels satisfaction for what one has, is humble and reduces the tendency to compare oneself with others. The results of dhikr practice not only have positive implications for individual self-healing but can also be effectively applied in the context of Islamic counseling guidance. Person-centered counseling provides an opportunity to expand the understanding and practice of counseling that is sensitive to the spiritual dimension of the counselee.