Abstract :
This study aims to study one of the Living Qur'an, namely the tradition of
khotmul Qur'an. The object of this study is located in Gembongan Village, Gedeg
District, Mojokerto Regency. Khotmul Qur'an is held with the hope that the
Qur'an will be more alive and attached to the community, especially the residents
of Gembongan Village.
This research is a type of field research, namely research based on field data
related to the research subject with a qualitative approach. This is because this
research intends to understand the phenomenon of what is experienced by the
research subject's behavior, perception, actions, motivation and others holistically
by means of description in the form of words and language, in a special natural
context and by utilizing natural methods.
The results of this study explain that the motives of the congregation to participate
in the khotmul Qur'an activity are various, for example, Mr. Sugiono participated
in the khotmul Qur'an activity because it enlivened the prayer room so that the
prayer room could be more functional for religious activities. Mr. Fiko
participated in the Khotmul activity because he was told by his religious teacher
with the aim of facilitating reading the Qur'an and to avoid bad associations. The
practice of the Khotmul Qur'an activity in Gembongan Village was carried out
after the dawn prayer which began with the reading of tawasul and tahlil by Mr.
Sugiono, after which it was continued by reading juz 1. Then it was continued by
other congregations until they had finished 30 juz. After that it was continued with
the Dzuhur prayer in congregation