Abstract :
Bullying is a form of violence that occurs among teenagers. Bullying is a form of violent behavior with the power to hurt a person or group verbally, physically or
victim psychology. This research aims to get an overview of the occurrence of bullying behavior at SMPN 2 Ploso. The method used is a qualitative method, data was obtained by interviews, observation and documentation. Data analysis using the Miles and Haberman model. The results of this research are a description of bullying behavior occurring verbally by mocking and using parents' names or unique names, while physically by pushing and hitting, as well as disrupting writing. Victims of bullying have the characteristics of being high achievers, shy and physically weak, usually this incident often takes place during break times and during the learning process. The impact of bullying on the perpetrator will usually be avoided by his friends, and school sanctions, while the victim becomes less self-confident, lowers his performance, and feels unsafe at school so he wants to move to another school, while for the witness: he laughs watching the behavior. bullying and following the perpetrator's behavior so as not to become the next victim. Supporting factors for this incident are family factors/broken homes, single parent families, intact families but the parents are busy working so the children do not get enough attention, as well as children being entrusted to their grandmother, peer factors caused by wrong social interactions.
Schools need to create a comfortable, safe and healthy culture so that student can interact well their friends. Teachers and parents needs to teach student to approach deliberation together, not with violence and taking the law into their own hands. In acts of verbal and non verbal violence in bullying simultaneous action is needed from several factors.